The mission of Unearthing the Sacred will be to create, inspire, and believe in one’s own navigational compass through learning and developing creative thinking in all areas of life. Creativity, while usually associated merely with the arts, is to be applied to all areas of life, including, but not limited to, career, relationships, hobbies, and the financial. The more expansive we learn to be, the more intriguing and magical life becomes.
Unearthing the Sacred was created by Melanie Stevens - artist, spiritual seeker, and navigator through the creative realm. My mission for Unearthing the Sacred is to illuminate, guide, and reveal with those seeking faith in transmutation mythology.
I've always viewed myself as an Artist (and probably came out of the womb with a paintbrush in hand.) My Grandmother began teaching me techniques - color, shading, etcetera - along with my cousins who also became Artists in their own right. With a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Indiana University of South Bend, I began WaterlilyandVine, funky jewelry to bring out the Goddess in any woman daring enough.
In 2015, the idea of Unearthing the Sacred was conceived as a creative tool for navigating the soul’s ascension. Creativity, over the years, has slowly eroded in the majority of society, partly due to our educational system applauding memorization while dismissing any creative program as a waste of precious resources. Human nature too has a tendency to stagnate and hold a preference for that which is safe and familiar. Even with our financial and political institutions, we desire change but fool ourselves with a pseudo-revamping of that which has always worked for us in the past. Usually reserved for the Arts, creativity is an endeavor that can and should be applied to all areas of life. It is what propels society forward to ever-amazing and awe-inspiring climactic moments throughout history and into a brilliant future. This blog is merely the start, for I had to start somewhere, but the amazing ideas of things to come are bursting to see the light of day and to share among you. Sometimes the subjects will be fairly typical and sometimes too far left field for you, but the point is to stretch your boundaries, transform your idea of self, and learn more about your capabilities and greatness within. Creativity comes at the cost of opening yourself up to a myriad of possibilities, seeing through an ever-evolving kaleidoscopic perspective, and redefining your boundaries to a more focused understanding of your soul's truth. Creativity is never about playing it straight but "going down the rabbit hole" and facing the unknown.