Creating Sanctuary

Unearthing the Sacred: Creating Sanctuary

Years ago, back in my mid-twenties, one of my best friends told me my apartment was a sanctuary. It was calm, clean, a place to just be. How many of us can claim we have created our very own sanctuary? Nowadays, my sanctuary isn't my home, in that same sense. Yes, I like coming home, to being surrounded by my things, but it doesn't have the same light and airiness that the above apartment imbued. Today, my sanctuary encompasses three things. First, the mountains. I'm blessed to live in an area that there are at least 50 trails within an hours distance. Every step up the mountain I take, I bemoan the fact that I decided to go hiking that day, but I know when I reach the top, well, it's beyond worth it. Choosing a trail is essential for me. I like variety, difficulty (with much regret at time of hike), and the gorgeous view to be had. The struggle to the top makes the view so much more amazing, peaceful, and welcoming. This is my "church." This is where I feel the most connection to all that is. It is where I can let go and just be. We all need a place of sanctuary where we can feel one with the world.

As a secondary sanctuary, it isn't a place but a doing, an action. It's creating - creating art, creative focus. Exploring creativity through art is my passion. It is that one thing that has always been with me and gives me that sense of communion with all that is.

And lastly, it's being with my soulmates of the world. I've always been mostly a loner but I, like you all, have those special individuals in this life that create that feeling of having come home. I dreamt of one of them just last night and it gave me that sense of love, home, and sanctuary.

What or who creates sanctuary for you? Have you carved out a sanctuary for yourself? It is a vital part of being alive and feeling passion in the world. If you need a visual reminder, carve out just a small area in your home and create an altar of things that beautify your soul - pictures of loved ones, pictures of places that lift your soul, objects that remind you of who you are.

And, always, don't forget to be awesome!


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