Book Release


I'm so excited! As of December 3, 2022, I have released a book that I, technically, started in 2016. Since then, it has morphed beyond anything I could have imagined.

Everything that I wanted for this site can be encapsulated in the book, Unearthing the Sacred :proposed hypothesis for the ascendancy of the human species from a perspective of the i. The premise can be summed up by a three-fold foundation: Become, self-sovereignty, and creative spiritual exploration.

First (as will be examined in the book) Become refers to stepping onto our God-path that our original soul blueprint specified for us in this lifetime. This is spiritual transcendency, not our societal understanding of purpose. Our purpose as a soul doesn't fall under the same guidelines.

Self-sovereignty exemplifies the path of God. The way of a true spiritual path only will ever entail absolute freedom. Not "freedom" as we define it today - as if bestowed upon us by another. Freedom remains a fundamental right, NOT a privilege. Once this journey gets underway, that crucial element becomes blatantly clear and clearer as time progresses. God only exists in absolute freedom.

The last element of creative spiritual exploration means, this book will not be like the others. I have no desire to foment your ideology or path of determination. Instead, my writing makes you be fully awake, gives you a wealth of information to explore, and specifically changes heart-resonance. It's listed as fiction because one's person's truth will not necessarily be someone else's truth, just as the truth that we have at the moment will or should change by this time next year, and the next. Various topics are visited so as to have us ask "What is truth?" or, more specifically, "What is MY truth?" As ambassadors of individual divinity, we are meant to have unique signatures with different mental processes for understanding the world, one-of-a-kind purposes involving a centralized theme for exploration, and, of course, a character authored by our explicitly timed birth.

As a heart resonance, the format of writing has a strange signature. In a sense, it spirals by consistently revisiting subject matter in order to re-train the mind for a freedom path. Secondly, it also has an ebb and flow-like quality. What I mean by this is that, at times, it will be difficult to read, and at other times, perhaps, boring. The more difficult it may be, the more heart-change it's implementing. Much of this has been channeled and so there will be subject matter never explored before, guaranteed.

For more information, click the button below!


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