The Parallelism between Narcissism and Schizophrenia


In the beginning stages of learning the art of channeling Spirit, one may have an extended period of time in which they feel like they're going crazy and have no control over their own mind. This happened to me and I felt as if I was becoming schizophrenic. In my case, channeling does not come with imagery or voices, at least not overtly distinguishable from the internal dialogue of thought. For me, the "voice" is more of an automatic download; if an image accompanies it, it'll be a product of my mind's eye or imagination. In the period of time that felt schizophrenic, I couldn't gain control and so my fear kept growing. It wasn't until I realized that when I chose to place authority within, or with God, that the "voices" receded. I have learned to place my fear with God and trust in Him. This allows me the freedom of my mind and heart. 

Since having experienced this perceived mental break, I've become somewhat fixated on the individual's sovereignty versus mental "illness." What if it's all spiritual?

Recently, I came across a Marvel TV show from 2017 called Legion, featuring Dan Stevens. The basis of the series follows Stevens' character as a diagnosed schizophrenic, who, like all Marvel characters, has superpowers some of which allow him to create other worlds in the Akashic Plane for others, as well as himself, to participate in. The result is that the viewer can't distinguish fully if anything is real or if it's just all in his mind. I was watching one night when I had the thought "This reminds me of narcissism." How did I make that jump? 

Having been raised by a narcissist and otherwise surrounded by them my entire life, I've had a lot of time watching, analyzing, and constructing an understanding of how a narcissist becomes one. 

I've never believed in demons, perhaps until recently. My personal understanding of dark entities has been formulated on the premise that negative energy begins within the individual. Though anger tends to be considered a negative energy, I don't see that one as a root emotional cause. Shame, however, I do. Shame is one of the most abhorrent emotional responses for a human as it causes such feelings as humiliation and tends to place a wall of distance between themselves and others, no matter the contriteness. Because it happens to be the most abhorrent of emotions that leads to disgrace, a person tends to shut down, become righteous, and live unapologetically (literally, never apologizing). In a way, to show "weakness" means an acknowledgment of that shame. So, they shore it up. By not asking for forgiveness, even from God, they create the first entity of darkness. This entity having been born from shame, thus has a voice of shame. It knows what its maker has done. The longer it's allowed to continue its existence, the louder and stronger its voice grows. As its voice grows, it becomes integrated into a person's psyche as one and the same. It pushes more acts of shame so more voices can add to the chorus until...

“My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area. [Mark 5:9-10 / Luke 8:30-31]

The above verse comes from a story about a man possessed by demons, whom Jesus casts out. When the Legion has been noticed by a prophet (in Jesus' case) or an empath, the chorus has completely integrated into the personality, to be recognized as that personality. It has effectively shut down the original soul, blocking out their true voice and light.

From a simplified, spiritual standpoint, this is how I see narcissism. A legion of dark entities, created from a lack of forgiveness for the self, isolates and takes over the mind to operate in place of the original soul. Because these entities were created from fear, they only know fear and can only engage according to that fear. They fail to understand power-within and therefore must exhibit power-over in order to control their world. The narcissist fails to see these demons, much less as separate from themselves. 

The schizophrenic, on the other hand, recognizes these beings as separate from themselves. They, too, create these beings but have discernment into their otherness status. 

If I am correct as to their spiritual natures, then giving a diagnosed schizophrenic drugs would be quite dangerous. For, this would beg the question: what is the actual function of the drugs - to eradicate these entities or to convince the individual that they are indeed within him/her? If the latter, then he/she could easily maneuver into a narcissistic role.

I'm not a big fan of a non-holistic approach to our medical field. Dismembering body from mind and mind from Spirit discredits the whole of the individual and fails irrevocably in understanding the root causes of everything, much less the possibly catastrophic outcome of prescribed drugs. Merely covering the symptoms discredits the innate presence of Spirit and can block the individual from evolving on a mental or spiritual level.

So, if these are indeed spiritual matters, not just mental, then what would be required for healing? By the time narcissism can be recognized in an individual, it's so far gone that a cure appears impossible. But there may be a couple of things that remain. There may be a possibility of opening a window into the soul if the person could be taught to forgive themselves. This may be had perhaps by tricking them into repeating the phrase "I forgive myself" over and over. And, secondly, the Lord reminds me that prayer works when we use it with authority and place our fears and worries into His hands. 

As for the diagnosed schizophrenic, becoming the authority will be necessary and vital to triumph. In the state of schizophrenia, spirits or entities have authority over the individual because there resides no power within. This can be perceived, from a biblical standpoint, as idol worship. When we give our authority away to everyone and everything, we inevitably allow them to define our path in life. The narcissist, too, fails to have inner authority. They only display that power-over but have to feed it constantly through fear, intimidation, manipulation, and control. Otherwise, they will be confronted by their own fear and lack of control. 

Let me know in the comments what your thoughts are!


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