

I learned something today. Well... maybe I should say, a truth was spoken to me today. Did you know God is a perfectionist? Huh. When we look out into the world, we find chaos, mess, ridiculousness, inconstancy, lies, and darkness many, if not most, days. In short, a facade. A deception. But, what lies beneath? God does.

He and I have been working on an art piece using watercolor pencils. And, yes, I'm only the vessel in all this. My hand moves on his desire, chooses the color of his desire, and becomes more firm or soft according to his desire. My consciousness moves over to allow Spirit to flow through me. Thoughts may still flow through my mind but I have no idea, for the most part, what happens from moment to moment in regard to the flow of movement. Some of the colors have extended to the edges of the paper and though the pencil keeps slipping off the paper, my hand continues to fill in color until dark and rich, according to his will. In my mind, I speak words like "You know, it'll probably have a frame so, does it really matter?" 

It does matter to God. 

Turns out he's a perfectionist. But, why?

He states: "You live by not forming mastery presently but by courageously becoming. You atone for sins to give defects and feelings purification then make sacrifice of them to the Lord to be saved. The circumcision, treasure. You decree an exodus of the darkness and form the new world." 

Basically, the imperfections, traumas, hardships, and negative emotions allow for a renaissance, a rebirth, of something new, more perfect, and more balanced. On an individual level, when we make choices that allow us to overcome fears, we create a new direction or pathway that opens up our world in a way that wasn't conceivable to us before and paves the way for true sovereignty. On a collective level, this literally, spiritually, and even symbolically, impacts and alters world direction. 

The circumcision refers to cutting ourselves off from opposition to our Divine Self. Giving authority and power to the Christ within (aka Divine Self) redirects our path and wrests control from the egoic self whose authority lies in others.

I've been reading The Definitive Book of Human Design, The Science of Differentiation by Lynda Bunnell in which Ra Uru Hu (the founder of Human Design) makes an interesting channeled depiction of the universal creation. It reads, "The Voice [channeled Spirit] described the Big Bang as merely the conception of our universe, not its birth. That means our entire universe is one single living entity, a fetus not yet born, still expanding and moving toward its moment of birth." What a turn of perspective presented here! The world is an act of becoming not yet an end result. Another way to view that is by taking a look at the Bible, specifically the Old Testament versus the New Testament. The OT operates as a kind of perfecting stage, a how-to manual (the pre-birth stage). It shows humans how to take their flaws and make them better, more vibrational, less sinful, and grow from there. Consistently, it takes the reader to the next stage of development into conscious awareness mastery. The NT, on the other hand, offers a perspective on living according to God's promise (aka your originally designed blueprint and its God-declared end result). The Christ represents the perfected human living according to this God-given design.

If you've been operating like me most of my life, you've been attempting perfection according to others' ideology of who you should be. We do this in so many ways, particularly in the reliance on other people's advice or directives (by whose authority do we live?). It's why the Bible specifies to give authority to God - give over your fear, give over your direction, give over your will. By doing so, we are directed according to our perfection and no one else's. Our perfection or, we could say, God's divinity through us. As with the artwork, God's working through me for the perfection of His creation. This does not require us to be perfect, only for Him to find His perfection through us.


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